Rules of Library
Only valid members of the College Library will be permitted to use any of the library facilities or services.
The following persons will be eligible to be members of the Library.
- Members of the College authorities and bodies while they are members of respective authorities and bodies.
- The College Teaching and non-teaching Staff.
- Contributory, adjunct and visiting teachers of the College
- Other confirmed Teachers in affiliated senior colleges and recognized Institutions With recommendations of and on Guaranty form their Head of Institution.
- Students who have enrolled their names in the College for graduate and Post-graduate studies, research and Diploma and Certificate courses run by the College.
- Other persons admitted with special permission of the Librarian under the Category of “general members or “visitors”.
Emoluments and Entitlements of a Member
- Identity cards and Readers Cards will be issued by College office to all the members
- All the members must bring their Identity Cards while entering in the Library premises
- The Librarian on application for membership in the prescribed form will issue Identity Cards and Readers Cards to eligible persons. Such cards will ordinarily remain in force for one year unless cancelled by the Librarian. It shall not be transferable.
- Before entering the library, every member mentioned in rule 3, will show his/her Identity Card issued by the College Office to the authority/staff member at the counter and deposit all his/her belongings, such as private books, an umbrella, a stick, a hat, a bag or plastic bag at the counter excepting the books, periodicals or other materials he/she has to return to the Library.
- Every member mentioned in Rule 3 will show his/her Identity Card to the authorities and staff members of College Library whenever demanded in Library premises.
- Every person on entering the Library will write his/her name, with other details decided by the Librarian in a Register kept at the counter for the purpose and will sign the Register.
- Every member shall leave the Library immediately after the caution bell, which will be given ten minutes before the closing hour of the library.
- Every member before leaving the reading hall will return the book or books to the Assistant In-Charge at the issuing counter and must not he replace the book or books on the shelves.
- Smoking, spiting, loud conversation and similar objectionable practices are forbidden in or near the library premises.
- No tracing or mechanical or electronic reproduction from books or other material shall be made except with the prior permission of the Librarian.
- Members shall not write or make any mark upon, disfigure or otherwise damage any book, periodical or any other material belonging to the library.
- Members will be held responsible for any damage or injury done to the books or other property belonging to the library and shall be required to replace such books or other property damaged or injured and shall have to pay the full value thereof as determined by the library authorities as per Table II
- In case a student member fails either to replace the book or to pay the cost of the book, reported as lost by him/her, declaration of his/her result will be withheld.
- In case a non-student member fails either to replace the book or to pay the cost of the book, reported as lost by him/her, the librarian with the consent of library committee may take suitable action.
- The library authorities and staff members or the library Attendant at the entrance and exit counter is authorized to examine everything that passes into or out of the Library.
- The Librarian shall have power to suspend the use of the card of any member or deny the use of any facility in the library to any member, or suspend membership, if the member is found neglecting to comply with any of the rules.
- In addition to the suspension of the membership, the Librarian shall also have powers to recommend to the library committee, cancellation of membership, if the member is found neglecting to comply with any of the rules.
- All receipts of the library including Library fine, amount collected towards membership and amount collected for services by the Library, etc., shall be remitted to the Accounts Section at least twice every month
(I.e. in the second and last week of the month)