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About Department

    Department of Economics is one of the active departments in the college. It started functioning in the year 1972. The sanctioned staff strength of the department is one full time and one part time.   The Head of the department is Associate professor and has also cleared UGC-SLET. Both the faculty members are holding Ph.D. Degrees. The Head of department is recognized research guide by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad. Shivaji college funded one minor project were undertaken in the department. The faculty member frequently publishes research articles/papers in national and international Journals and chapter in books. The faculty member present papers in conferences and seminars at state and national levels. As part of student development, ‘Arthsanwad Wallpaper’, Students seminar, Group discussions, Research Project, Online Quiz competition and Manuscripts are organized by the department.



  • To promote the students for study of economics.
  • To make their basic clear. 
  • To give factual knowledge of economics.
  • To develop interest in the study of economics.
  • To provide facility for self-expression by giving additional aids: such as manuscript, economics research survey, wallpaper, statistics, diagrams and seminar.
  • To empower rural students through economics.
  • To develop logical thinking on recent trends in economics.
  • To prepare the students to take-up undergraduate degree.



Provide education in economics for the rural students to empower them enhance the employability.


  • Improving the performance of the students.
  • Making the subject more attractive and interesting.
  • Provide theoretical and applied knowledge of economics for inclusive growth.

Importance of the subject

    Economics is the study of how to use scarce resources to produce commodities and describes the production, distribution and consumption of good and services. The economic analysis helps in use scarce resources in more efficient. In the developing countries, there are a lot of wastage of resources which is the main cause of their poverty. The economic analysis enables them to make the optimum use of their resources. Developing countries are facing many problems like unemployment, over population, low-per-capita income, low production. Economics is very useful in solving these problems. It helps in eradicating the poverty from the country.

Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course outcomes B.A. Economics


Department of Economics

After successful completion of three-year degree program in economics a student should be able to

Programme Outcomes

·   Understand basic concepts of Economics.

·   Awareness about economic activity

·   Solve economic issue with the help of statistical data.

·   Understand development process.

·   Ability to analyze current events from an economic perspective.

·   Ability to understand various social issues and economic problems.

Programme Specific Outcomes

·       Get in-depth knowledge of fundamental economic theories.

·       Apply theories of economics to the real economic phenomena with statistical support.

·       Create awareness about sustainable development.

·       Implement research methodology in research design, data analysis, planning and interpretation.

·       It can help to improve living standards and make society a better place.





Outcomes After completion of these course students should be able to

B.A.I Year Paper ECO 101   Micro economics

On the completion of this course the students will be able to understand the meaning and scope of micro economics, the behavior of a consumer, a producer, and price fluctuation in the market. Students will be able to understand various components regarding price determination under various types of markets, theory of production, cost and revenue analysis.

B.A.I Year Paper ECO 102 Indian Economy

Students will be able to understand structure of Indian economy, human resource development, poverty and unemployment and planning in India.

B.A.I Year Paper ECO 103 Price theory

On the completion of this course the students would be able to understand price determination under various types of markets, students will be able to know about the theory of production, cost and revenue analysis, forms of market, factor pricing theories.

B.A.I Year Paper ECO 104 Money banking and finance

On completion of the course students will be able to understand the monetary and banking system in India and also understand the function of Reserve Bank of India and importance of monetary policy of India.

B.A.II Year Paper ECO 105 Macro economics

On completion of the course students will be aware of the basic theoretical framework underlying the field of macroeconomics. Students will understand the concepts of national income, theory of money, theory of trade cycles, theory of output and employment.

B.A.II Year Paper ECO 106 Economics of development

On completion of the course students would be able to understand the theories of development and factor responsible for development and underdevelopment.

B.A.II Year Paper ECO 107 Public finance

On completion of the course students would be able to understand the detailed information of fiscal policy, public revenue, public expenditure, public debt, union Budget. Students will be able to understand benefits and distribution of various types of taxes among various classes of people.

B.A.II Year Paper ECO 108 Statistical Methods

On completion of this course students would be able to use techniques of statistical analysis which are commonly applied to economic problems. Students would be able to understand role of index number in economy. The students will get enabled regarding the rules for calculating the mean, medium, mode, standard deviation and correlation.

B.A.III Year Paper ECO 109 International economics

After completion of the course students can analyze the theories of international trade, understand gains from trade, tariffs and quotas, balance of payment.

B.A.III Year Paper ECO 110 Agricultural economics

On completion of this course students would be able to understand the issue in agricultural economics, technology in agriculture, agricultural price policy, food security in India. Students will be enabled to analyze the progress of agriculture and changing nature of agriculture cropping pattern and contribution of agriculture in economy.

B.A.III Year Paper ECO 111 History of economic thought


On completion of this course students would be able to understand the basic economic ideas of world economics thinkers. The students will understand the various development theories and their importance.

B.A.III Year Paper ECO 112, ECO 116 Project work

On the completion of this course the students would be able to understand the project writing skill as per the study of research methodology techniques and deep study of specific topic. The students become will be able to prepare questionnaire, schedule, and collection of data, tabulation of data, data presentation and analysis.

B.A.III Year Paper ECO 113 Research methodology

Students will able to understand meaning, nature and scope of social science research, research design and types of research design, skill of data collection, presentation and analyze the collected data. Students will understand importance of social science research.

B.A.III Year Paper ECO 114 Industrial economics

Students will be able to understand the organization of a firm, productivity, efficiency. The students will be aware of the role of industries in economic and social development. Student will be able to understand theories of location and diversification and composition of industrial sector.

B.A.III Year Paper ECO 115 Indian economic thinker

On completion of this course students will be able to understand the basic economic ideas of Indian economics thinkers. The students will understand the various development theories and their importance.




Faculty Members

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Designation: Head and Associate Professor
Contact: 9860714744

Laboratory Staff