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About Department

The department of Psychology is the important department of college in social science stream. It is established in the year 1984. The department has U.G. and counseling center and also Ph.D. guidance facility. Dr. Ghoti R. M. are recognized Research Guide. Sufficient instruments are available in the departmental laboratory. Students participate in, discussion, and intelligence test, map reading. Department has a special counseling center.

As an academic discipline, Psychology has bright prospects in the contemporary world which is characterized by competition for existence. The need for psychological help in various walks of life, from qualified and professionally trained psychologists and counselors is increasing like never before. Though Psychology emerged as a unique scientific discipline more than a Century ago the progressive application its principles are not yet fully materialized in all sections of the society. However, without the encouragement and recognition of its value psychology would not gain the status it enjoys in other regions today.\ Now psychology has been recognized as crucial for addressing the myriad challenges facing humanity. This Department from its inception is striving to give the discipline a unique identity.

Aptitude Testing: Every individual is gifted with certain innate potentials, which, if nourished, can help the person actualize his/her self and thus achieve professional success and personal satisfaction. We, at MAANAS, use certain standardized aptitude test batteries to test the student in different areas to know where his/her potential lies. These tests give us valuable information about what field of study could be chosen so that the student enjoys the learning process. It is a testing programme to identify and guide the child's innate potential to choose a course, a way to identify the gifts that you have!

Career Guidance: Most people are not aware of the diverse fields that are available in terms of graduate and post graduate or diploma courses, as well as in terms of job or career opportunities. Especially important is the need to know oneself as a person and then to find out what kind of job suits one best. We couple aptitude tests with personality tests and prepare a profile of the person considering both. After a week of aptitude testing, we call the parents and students together for career guidance sessions, where we suggest educational and vocational options, depending upon the aptitude test results.

Personal Counseling: We will organize counselors at the centre who can give personalized counseling sessions for a variety of problems, such as anxiety, depression, interpersonal difficulties etc


Ø  To bridge the bond between society through Counselling Centre

Ø  To achieve academic excellence in basic and applied aspects of  Social Psychology

Ø  To impart basic and advanced education to students through teaching, learning, research and evaluation.

Ø  To inspire the students towards better understanding and use of IT/Computer oriented learning resources.

To motivate the students to undertake projects in basic and applied thrust areas of Social and Education

Importance of the subject

Psychology is a scientific study of human behavior in society. It studies human behavior in groups and that how human behavior is influenced by others. It attempts to understand the socio-psychological causes and motives of human behavior in groups.  Psychology has a very wide significance in the modern world. The importance of psychology is divided into following spheres:

Psychology and Mental Health

Psychology and Business

Psychology and Industry

Psychology and Education

Psychology and Military

Socialization and Personality Development

Psychology as a source of Knowledge

Program Outcomes   Program Specific Outcomes and Course outcomes

    B.A.   Psychology

Department of Psychology

After successful completion of three year degree program in Psychology a student should be able to

Programme Outcomes

·  PO-1. Able to understand basic concepts of Psychology.

·  PO-2. Understand the impact of environment, society,                        heredity on persons Behaviour.

·  PO-3. Understand the human social behavior.

·  PO-4. Awareness of self and social well being.

·  PO-5. Think scientifically about surrounding human behavior.

·  PO-6. Understand human development.

·  PO-7. to write study tour report

Programme Specific Outcomes

·   PSO -1. To get admission post graduation course in Psychology.

·   PSO-2. To interpretation of data and make project/research.

·    PSO-3. To write scientific case study report.

·   PSO-4. To use of basic psychological tests and experiments.

·   PSO-5. Identify and Think on the various psychological problems.

·    PSO-6. Make use of personality theories in daily practice.

·   PSO-7. Make Use of Industrial theories while preparing for professional interviews.

·   POS-7. Analyze and understand abnormal human behavior in practice




Outcomes After completion of these course students should be able to

B.A.I Paper  I PSY 101/PSY 104            General Psychology

·  CO.1.To able to understand basic principles of Psychology.

·  CO 2. To able to understand historical trends of Psychology to able to understand Major Concepts, different perspectives of Psychology.

·  CO 3. To able to understand an overview of the applications of Psychology.

·  CO 4. To able to understand Career opportunities in Psychology.

·  CO 5. To understand Roll of Biological base in human behavior.

·  CO 6. To understand Emotion, Motivation and Sensory Processes.

·  CO7. To Learn applications of various techniques of psychology.

B.A.I Paper II PSY 102/PSY 105               Social Psychology

·   CO 1 .To create the awareness among the students of Social Psychology and it’s various fields.

·    CO 2. To able to understand Social behavior.

·   CO 3. To understand Self Concept and How to develop it.

·   CO 4. To able to understand important role of Social relations in individual’s life.

·   CO 5. To able to understand Attitudes, How prejudice are take place and its effect on behavior.

·    CO 6. To able to understand Aggression and how to control it.

·   CO 7. To able to understand the ways of communication and its applications.

·   CO 8. To able to understand the leadership and its characteristics.

·   CO 9. To learn various applications and techniques of Social Behavior.

B.A.IInd year  Paper III PSY 107/PSY 110 Psychology Adjustment

·   CO. 1. Demonstrate knowledge of major scientific theories and models of personality and adjustment.

·   CO.2. Understand and apply how the scientific method is used in relevant psychology fields.

·   CO. 3. Apply relevant psychological concepts and theories to personal experiences and perceptions of others. 

·   CO.4. Increase self-awareness and self-understanding in relation to personal, relational, and social/cultural life domains

B.A.IInd year  Paper IV PSY 108/PSY 111    Psychological Testing and Statistics


·   CO.1. Introduction to the field of psychological testing in general.

·   CO.2. Acquaintance with the nature and uses of psychological test

·   CO.3. Understanding the nature and other description of intelligence test, ability tests and personality tests

B.A.IIIrd Paper V        PSY 113 & 119    Abnormal Psychology


·   CO.1.Student is expected to acquire knowledge of causes, symptoms and treatment of various psychological disorders.

·   CO.2. To understand the criteria of abnormal behaviour

B.A.IIIrd Paper VI        PSY 114& 120 Organization Psychology

·   CO1 : To enable the students to acquire knowledge of organizational behavior & human psychology

·   CO2 : To know about Perception and motivation

·   CO 3 : To learn about the management experiments.

·   CO4 : To analyze and compare different models used to explain individual behaviors related to motivation and rewards

·   CO5 : To explain group dynamics and demonstrate skills required for working in groups (team building)

·   CO6 : To identify the various leadership styles and the role of leaders in a decision making process.

·   CO7 : To discuss the implementation of organizational change.

B.A.IIIrd Paper VII      PSY 116 & 122  Counseling

·   CO.1. Introduction to the field of counseling Psychology.

·    CO.2. Comprehending the applications of counseling Psychology in the fields of career, marriage, couple and family Counseling

B.A.IIIrd Paper VIII    PSY 117& 123      Research Project

·   CO.1. To acquire basic skills and understand basic concept of Research methodology.

·   CO. 2. To understand how to make small research project.

·   CO.3. To learn making group report/project.

·   CO.4. To able to understand theory of research.

·    CO. 5. To understand Psychophysics.

·   CO.6.To understand the perceptual processes.

·   CO.7.To learn psychological testing.

·    CO. 8. To understand thinking processes. 

·   CO.9.To understand problem solving concept.


Faculty Members

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Designation: Head and Associate Professor
Contact: 7507262003

Laboratory Staff


Designation: Lab Peon