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About Department

The department of political science is one of the leading and vigorous department of the college. The department has been established in 1972 along with the establishment of the college. The department is consistently and energetically working for the progress of not only the faculty member but also the students to enhance the quality education. The department has recognized research center , headed by Dr. A. S. Shinde under his research guide ship six students are awarded the Ph.D degree. He inspires and encourages the faculty member for research work, and the fruitful result of it is one of the faculty member Dr.R.K.Pawar is awarded the Ph.D degree. It is pride of department that Dr.R.K. Pawar has completed his doctoral work handleds the NSS unit has the Program.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University Aurangabad. Dr.B.G Deshmukh work as a Asst. professor from 2010. He has completed Ph.D work . .Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University Aurangabad. His research topic entitled, “ The role of opposite political parties in Maharashtra in 1990-2003”. Prof. R.P. Deore also working as Asst. professor in political science on CHB. The department has been running P.G. course in Political Science since 2006. The students capacity of it is 60. The University examination results are near about 95% of UG and 75% P.G. The department actively retrospect’s the progress, achievement and personality development.

Importance of the subject

Political science is the most important branch of social science and its chief concern is with the political behaviour of individuals, groups of individuals, agencies, institutions, organisation et al. Since all these are subject to change and they are changing continuously the subject matter of political science is bound to change, so also the scope of Political Science. A renowned author has analysed the scope of Political Science from four different angles and these are: Politics as the art of government, politics as public affairs, politics as compromise and consensus, politics as power and distribution of resources. But this categorization of scope of political science cannot be treated as final because the emergence of new phenomena and situation will Impact the decision making process of government, government and governed relation, attitude of people towards politics and government, people’s ideas about the functions of state etc. No serious thinker can neglect all “these issue whilst analysing politics. Two or three decades ago even a well-versed political scientist paid little thought and attention to globalization and neo-liberalism. But today these two concepts have covered a significant portion of the subject while analysing the scope, we must note it.




Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course outcomes B.A. Political Science


Department of Political Science

After successful completion of three-year degree program in Political Science  a student should be able to

Programme Outcomes

·   Understand basic concepts of Political Science.

·   Awareness about political science  activity

·   Solve political science issue with the help of statistical data.

·   Understand development process.

·   Ability to analyze current events from a political science perspective.

·   Ability to understand various social issues and political science problems.

Programme Specific Outcomes

·         Get in-depth knowledge of fundamental political science theories.

·         Apply theories of Political Science to the real political science phenomena with statistical support.

·         Create awareness about sustainable development.

·         Implement research methodology in research design, data analysis, planning and interpretation.

·         It can help to improve living standards and make society a better place.





Outcomes After completion of these course students should be able to

B.A.I Year Paper POL 101

Basic concept of Political Science

On the completion of this course the students will be able to understand the meaning and scope of Political Science, the market. Students will be able to understand various components regarding price determination under various types of markets, theory of production, cost and revenue analysis.

B.A.I Year Paper POL 102

Government Politics of Maharashtra

Students will be able to understand structure of Indian Politics , human resource development, poverty and unemployment and planning in India.

B.A.I Year Paper POL 103

Basic Concept of Political Science


On the completion of this course the students would be able to understand determination under various types of Social study; students will be able to know about the theory of Politics.

B.A.I Year Paper POL 104

Govt. and Politics of Maharashtra

On completion of the course students will be able to understand the social, political system in India and also understand the function of India and importance of Govt. Indian politics.

B.A.II Year Paper POL 105

Govt. and Politics of India

On completion of the course students will be aware of the basic theoretical framework underlying the field of macro Political Science . Students will understand the concepts of national.

B.A.II Year Paper POL 106 International Relation

On completion of the course students would be able to understand the theories of development and conflict issue for development and underdevelopment.


B.A.II Year Paper POL 107

Govt. and Politics of India

On completion of the course students would be able to understand the detailed information of Indian Politics, public revenue, public debt, union Budget. Students will be able to understand benefits and distribution of various types of issue.

B.A.II Year Paper POL 108

International Relation

On completion of this course students would be able to use techniques of statistical analysis which are commonly applied to political science problems. Students would be able to understand role of index number in politics. The students will get enabled regarding the rules for calculating the mean, medium, mode, standard deviation and correlation.

B.A.III Year Paper POL 109 Indian Political Thinker

After completion of the course students can analyze the theories of international trade, understand gains from trade, tariffs and quotas, balance of power.

B.A.III Year Paper POL 110

Western Political  Thinker

On completion of this course students would be able to understand the issue in agricultural Political Science , technology in agriculture, agricultural price policy, food security in India. Students will be enabled to analyze the

B.A.III Year Paper POL 111

Political Ideology

On completion of this course students would be able to understand the basic political science ideas of world Political Science thinkers. The students will understand the various development theories and their importance.

B.A.III Year Paper POL 112, POL 116 Project work

On the completion of this course the students would be able to understand the project writing skill as per the study of research methodology techniques and deep study of specific topic. The students bPOLme will be able to prepare questionnaire, schedule, and collection of data, tabulation of data, data presentation and analysis.

B.A.III Year Paper POL 113 Research methodology

Students will able to understand meaning, nature and scope of social science research, research design and types of research design, skill of data collection, presentation and analyze the collected data. Students will understand importance of social science research.

B.A.III Year Paper POL 114 Political Ideology

Students will be able to understand the organization of a firm. The students will be aware of the role of social development. Student will be able to understand theories.

B.A.III Year Paper POL 115 Indian political thinker

On completion of this course students will be able to understand the basic political science ideas of Indian Political Science thinkers. The students will understand the various development theories and their importance.





                                                                                                          Dr. R. K. Pawar

                                                                                               Head Department of Political Science                                                     










Faculty Members

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Designation: Head and Assistant Professor
Contact: 7028851326

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Designation: Assistant Professor
Contact: 9403637413

Laboratory Staff